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Improving Visibility for Dashing Group with Hubspot Marketing Professional

In 1597, philosopher Francis Bacon first noted that knowledge was power. Granted, he probably wasn’t talking about digital marketing, but here we are.

Without knowledge, marketing is simply an expensive guessing game. We need data to inform the decisions that we make — especially when our clients’ money is on the line. That’s why it's so important to have access to platforms that give us the knowledge we need.

Read on for the story of how we worked together with our client, Dashing Group, to improve visibility and access new data with Hubspot Marketing Professional.

The Problem: A Data Vacuum

Our team had been working with Dashing group and running paid activity for close to a year, and our client was happy to see a strong CPL and leads consistently coming through to their website. However, all marketers know that not every lead is of an equal quality: some leads are very likely to convert into a sale, whereas others are glorified red herrings.

This was the case for our client: there seemed to be a massive disconnect between the volume of leads that were coming in and the number of conversions that the client was seeing. At the time, we were running campaigns on several different keywords, but didn’t have the visibility necessary to understand which keywords were driving the best and most profitable customers to the site and which ones were driving low quality leads. This meant that we didn’t have the information we needed to improve our client’s targeting.

Something didn’t add up, but we couldn’t figure out what. At least, we didn’t have the tools to do so.

As marketers, there’s little we can do if we don’t have enough data to understand what’s going on. We needed the ability to track leads’ journeys across our different campaigns, and be able to use that data to power the paid search campaigns we were running. We needed centralised visibility and management across the board.

The Solution: Increasing Visibility

We were able to drastically increase visibility by migrating from the client’s existing CRM solution to Hubspot’s Marketing Professional. Dashing’s previous solution did not have Hubspot’s ability to provide end to end visibility, whereas the new solution allows us to understand which keywords are performing better than others — enabling us to determine the most valuable keywords to target and, ultimately, to direct our media dollars towards the most profitable keywords.

We were also able to add all of Dashing’s ad accounts to a single platform, enabling the client to see how all of their ads are tracking at a glance, increasing visibility across the channel mix.

What Were The Results?

Although our client’s move to Hubspot is still young, the new Hub allows us, as their marketing partners, to have access to higher quality information which, in turn, informs our marketing activity. Being able to access all the data we need has also improved our ability to better use our expertise to interpret the range of information that Hubspot affords.

The new solution has allowed for greater collaboration opportunities between different departments in the business. In particular more collaboration between the marketing and sales team. With the marketing team now able to provide more high quality information about each lead, they are able to better prepare the sales team for their calls by giving them more accurate insights into each potential customer. Since then, we have also begun working on paid ads for Dashing Group’s sub brands MyMerch and DashingX.

Final Thoughts

Overall, using Hubspot Marketing Professional has greatly improved our client’s ability to gather accurate, relevant information that can then be used to inform their future sales and marketing activity.

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